JUDr. Martina Ľachová

  1. Active judge at the court Okresný súd Galanta, we register 3,886 hearings and 3,458 judgements.
  1. The judge has been nominated to function for more than 11 years.

Close persons acknowledged in property declarations in years 2014 and 2013.

Close persons acknowledged in property declaration in a year 2014:

Close persons acknowledged in property declaration in a year 2013:

Indicators for 2021

We do not register any indicators for the judge yet.

Indicators for 2017

Number of Constitutional Court decisions against the judge:

  • Issued – 0
  • Delays prior to case assignment – 0

The judge was mostly assigned to Civil agenda. The judge mostly issued judgements in Civil agenda.

The judge worked 1011 days in the period and was assigned on average 44 cases per 100 days in main agendas.


In 2017, the judge received in total 24 from 40 possible points and ranked on 201 – 223. place of 651 evaluated judges.

  • Quality – 7.5 out of 15 points
  • Effectivity – 16.5 out of 25 points

Chart Comparison

Advanced Comparison
The chart is most useful for comparisons of judges at the same or similar courts, and those who decide cases in the same or similar agenda. Specific courts and agendas have an impact on the overall performance of judges. Simply put, commercial judge from Bratislava and criminal judge from Rožňava decide uncomparable cases.

Quality Indicators

The judge's judgements were on appeal affirmed in 67% of cases. The average in the same agenda is 68.7%.

  • Number of Appellate Decisions – 330
  • Number of Affirmed Decisions – 221

An appeal against the judge's judgements is filed in 11.9% of cases. The average in the same agenda is 10.1%.

Of the total number of the judge's judgements 3.9% is changed or reversed. The average in the same agenda is 3.1%.

Effectivity Indicators

Estimated average length of proceedings is 354.5 days. The average at the end of 2017 was 340.8 days.

The judge had 336 unresolved cases at the end of 2017. The average was 192.7 cases.

The judge had 243 restant cases at the end of 2017. The average was 111.7. This represents 72.3% of the judge's unresolved cases. Average was 54.1%.

In 2017, the judge was able to resolve 281.3% of assigned cases. Average was 141.8%.

Indicators for 2015

Number of Constitutional Court decisions against the judge:

  • Issued – 0
  • Delays prior to case assignment – 0

The judge was mostly assigned to Civil agenda. The judge mostly issued judgements in Civil agenda.

The judge worked 600 days in the period and was assigned on average 42 cases per 100 days in main agendas.


In 2015, the judge received in total 18 from 40 possible points and ranked on 525 – 541. place of 738 evaluated judges.

  • Quality – 7.5 out of 15 points
  • Effectivity – 10.5 out of 25 points

Chart Comparison

Advanced Comparison
The chart is most useful for comparisons of judges at the same or similar courts, and those who decide cases in the same or similar agenda. Specific courts and agendas have an impact on the overall performance of judges. Simply put, commercial judge from Bratislava and criminal judge from Rožňava decide uncomparable cases.

Quality Indicators

The judge's judgements were on appeal affirmed in 63.8% of cases. The average in the same agenda is 67.1%.

  • Number of Appellate Decisions – 69
  • Number of Affirmed Decisions – 44

An appeal against the judge's judgements is filed in 4.5% of cases. The average in the same agenda is 9.3%.

Of the total number of the judge's judgements 1.6% is changed or reversed. The average in the same agenda is 3%.

Effectivity Indicators

Estimated average length of proceedings is 385 days. The average at the end of 2015 was 339 days.

The judge had 839 unresolved cases at the end of 2015. The average was 377 cases.

The judge had 256 restant cases at the end of 2015. The average was 150. This represents 30.5% of the judge's unresolved cases. Average was 42.6%.

In 2015, the judge was able to resolve 87.4% of assigned cases. Average was 97.1%.

Indicators for 2013

The number of Constitutional court judgements against the judges – issued 0 and delays prior to case assignment 0.

For the judge we register performance data for years 2013:

Sudcovi bola prideľovaná najmä Občiansko–právna agenda. Sudca rozhodoval najmä v Občiansko–právnej agende.

The judge in this period worked 186 days and on average was assigned 335 cases in 10 days in main agendas.

Chart Comparison

Advanced Comparison
The chart is most useful for comparisons of judges at the same or similar courts, and those who decide cases in the same or similar agenda. Specific courts and agendas have an impact on the overall performance of judges. Simply put, commercial judge from Bratislava and criminal judge from Rožňava decide uncomparable cases.

Quality indicators

Evidujeme menej ako 10 odvolaní o rozhodnutiach sudcu, preto dáta považujeme za nereprezentatívne.

Efficiency indicators

Odhadovaná priemerná dĺžka konania sporu je 370 dní. Priemer bol na konci roka 346 dní.

Sudca mal na konci roka 2013 nevybavených 325 prípadov. Priemer bol 238.

Sudca mal na konci roka 41 reštančných vecí, pričom priemer je 126. To u sudcu tvorí 11,6% z nevybavených vecí. Priemer je 43,4.

Sudca dokázal v roku 2013 vybaviť, k počtu pridelených vecí, 51,4% prípadov. Priemer bol 99,6%.

Dáta o kvalite a efektivite sudcu nepovažujeme za dostatočné, preto sudcu bodovo nehodnotíme.


obtained from annual statistical reports of judges pertaining to indicators.

  • 2013 – 05.06.2013 – 07.06.2013 – celokrajské stretnutie sudcov 06.11.2013 – 08.11.2013 – anglický jazyk – právna terminológia 09.12.2013 – 10.12.2013 – vyhľadávanie, výklad a aplikácia práve Európskej únie
  • 2013 – 05.06.2013 – 07.06.2013 – celokrajské stretnutie sudcov 06.11.2013 – 08.11.2013 – anglický jazyk – právna terminológia 09.12.2013 – 10.12.2013 – vyhľadávanie, výklad a aplikácia práve Európskej únie

Published judgements

  1. Rozsudok – Spotrebiteľské zmluvy
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  2. Rozsudok – Spotrebiteľské zmluvy
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  3. Rozsudok – Spotrebiteľské zmluvy
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  4. Rozsudok – Spotrebiteľské zmluvy
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  5. Rozsudok – Spotrebiteľské zmluvy
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  6. Rozsudok – Zodpovednosť za škodu
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  7. Rozsudok – Poistenie
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  8. Rozsudok – Spotrebiteľské zmluvy
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  9. Rozsudok – Spotrebiteľské zmluvy
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

  10. Rozsudok – Ostatné
    Prvostupňové nenapadnuté opravnými prostriedkami
    Judgement was issued on

More judgements

Upcoming hearings

  1. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, Vyporiadanie BSM po rozvode Hearing will be held on

  2. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, zaplatenie 858,73 Eur s… Hearing will be held on

  3. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, o zaplatenie 9524,79 Eur s… Hearing will be held on

  4. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, vydanie PR o zaplatenie… Hearing will be held on

  5. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, odporovateľnosť právnemu… Hearing will be held on

  6. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, o zaplatenie 13051 Eur s… Hearing will be held on

  7. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, Žaloba o zaplatenie 239,51… Hearing will be held on

  8. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, vyporiadanie BSM Hearing will be held on

  9. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, o zaplatenie 4917,44 Eur s… Hearing will be held on

  10. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, zaplatenie 2 851,98 Eur s… Hearing will be held on

More hearings

Past hearings

  1. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, Žaloba o určenie neplatnosti… Hearing was held on

  2. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, zaplatenie 1773,10 Eur s… Hearing was held on

  3. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, Žaloba o zaplatenie 1 075,78… Hearing was held on

  4. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, Zrušenie a vysporiadanie… Hearing was held on

  5. Pojednávanie a rozhodnutie, o zaplatenie náhrady škody vo… Hearing was held on

  6. Verejné vyhlásenie rozsudku, o zaplatenie 89,9 Eur s… Hearing was held on

  7. Pojednávanie a rozhodnutie, o zaplatenie 27800,42 Eur s… Hearing was held on

  8. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, o zaplatenie 15000 Eur s… Hearing was held on

  9. Pojednávanie bez rozhodnutia, zaplatenie 858,73 Eur s… Hearing was held on

  10. Pojednávanie a rozhodnutie, zaplatenie 63,40 Eur s prísl. Hearing was held on

More hearings

Information regarding the court were obtained from the judge list, which was most recently updated on . The information may have been additionally supplemented by the data retrieved from property declarations and statistical reports.